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It is not just glitz and glamour for actresses. They have to also deal with a rather uncomfortable factor -- obsessive fans

Shruti Haasan had to recently lodge a police complaint against a fan-turned-stalker. In B-Town, one doesn't always have to be as famous as the Khans or the Kapoors to experience that. Even the young actresses encounter hyper admirers in their day-to-day outing. HitList spoke to few of them to know more... 

Amrita Rao
Last film: Singh Saab the Great
Quote unquote:
`I don't remember being stalked harmfully except for this one fan from Nashik who came and stood outside my house for days. He also managed to get my landline number somehow and had vowed not to leave Mumbai until he gifted me this guitar he apparently bought from his pocket money. Tired of the situation, my dad picked up his call and got a meeting arranged. Luckily, when his wish was fulfilled, he left. Being stalked in today's world with the technology seems like a scary thought.`

Mugdha Godse
Last film: Saheb Biwi Aur Gangster Returns
Quote unquote:
`I've had quite a few incidents but the weirdest amongst it all was this one guy who knew all the important dates and days in my life and would somehow manage to reach me with the most expensive of gifts wherever I was. Initially, I was surprised but later it got quite awkward because I wouldn't like to accept something from a total stranger and to add to it how did he ever get to know my whereabouts was scary. It got a little jittery when he started to profess his love for me and was hell bent I accept it. Eventually I had to seek some help to put an end to it. Incidents like that freak you out.`


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